Sunday, January 11, 2009

A timely message

Tonight's messages at church was one of those messages where you can't deny that God is talking directly to you. Pastor Tim spoke about the challenge of crossing the Jordon river and possessing the Promised Land. The Text for the sermon was Joshua 3:1-8 (;&version=31;). The Israelites are challenged with crossing the Jordon river during it's flood stage, a task possible only with God's help, in order to take the land flowing with milk and honey. From this text God has brought into greater focus my confusion from earlier today (see the other posting from today). Like the Israelites who didn't feel comfortable crossing the river in its flood stage (an understandable concern), I don't feel comfortable taking two weeks away from my family and work; I don't really what to go on a 30 hour plane trip, twice; I don't really want to reverse my days and night; I don't really want to come back home after reversing my days and nights and try to go to work; I don't feel comfortable hanging out with people I don't know that well fro that much time; I don't know if I will get the right kind of food at the right time; I don't really want to vary from my routine because I'm am a living, breathing Rain Man, etc., etc. It's kind of funny that someone who has always thought of himself as adventurous has so many home-body tendencies. It's a wonder I ever moved out of my parents house. This mission trip is certainly a "Jordon River" in my life. On my pray board I recently wrote that I want to see God's power first hand. I guess it's hard to see His power if I'm only doing things I feel comfortable with or can control. The funny part of this new understanding is that I still have all those feelings of discomfort gurgling in the waters of my mind and I don't really want go on the trip anymore now than I did a couple of hours ago. I think I'm going to adpot this text as my theme for this adventure. Please don't forget to email or comment if you have something say about the trip because I need what you know.


happyrockcafe said...

So who's also planning to go on this trip? Are these the people you have been seeking counsel from? What does Pastor Tim think? I know he has a missions heart. Thanks for including me in the prayer support. This way I get in on the adventure too!

happyrockcafe said...

BTW do you have your passport yet?

happyidenticalsong said...

you are trusting in The Rock! so, you will not be let down...He will not be shaken nor moved from His position of faithful Provider and Powerful Protector! I am so proud of you for sticking with it and waiting (even if anxiously) on the Lord. Just goes to show that you are human - glad i didn't marry a frog! hee hee i love you