The passport is here, the tickets are on reserve, and we are meeting tonight to try and finalize the roster.
This last week was quite a bit different than the last month of trying to prepare and work through this mission opportunity to Taiwan. Instead continuously thinking about the trip, I didn’t think once about the trip. Last week I mentioned how Psalm 139 really hit home for me and gave good peace of mind about the trip, this week we had physical chaos and all other thoughts were removed from my mind. Our one and half year old was up ALL night crying early in the week because of ear infections that required antibiotics, the baby developed a chest cold that required antibiotics, our 3 year old developed an ear infection and a throat infection that required antibiotics, and I messed up my knee enough that I had to stopping running and riding, requiring the family to deal with a grumpy Papa for a few days. During these hectic times of no sleep and much stress my prayer time and time spent in the bible typically drop off considerably and this week was no exception. It makes me wonder if a spiritual battle was won last week and now a new front was opened. The anxiety about the trip was removed last week, “know my anxious thoughts…and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139)”, so now the attack and distraction is physical in nature. Hmmmmm….deep thoughts, but not out of the question.
So this week I would ask you to pray that I could get back into the rhythm of bible study and prayer. Also, as things progress with the trip I will need to send out some support letters. I still feel a little uncomfortable about this since I have a job and could make it work, but I have been strongly encouraged to do so for some very good reasons. The people that I have spoken with who have participated in mission trips before and who I would consider mature Christians encourage sending out support letters to allow others to participate in this mission opportunity who can’t go, but want to contribute to the efforts of the trip. Also it was pointed out that individuals on short term mission trips are already making considerable sacrifices by giving up family vacations and enduring the exhaustion of short term travel to foreign lands.
Thanks for your prayers!
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So the picture at the top is literal?
Good you can recognize attacks. They do come in all shapes and sizes. So get your shield, helmet, breastplate and sword polished and sharpened. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore...."
It is a pretty good representation of what I was talking about, but I must confess it wasn't done with intention. The pic is of a puppet show from Taiwan.
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