Sunday, January 18, 2009

A new hope

The people have spoken and its official!! The blog is a helpful tool for updating my prayer partners with the last info.

Well, on to the business at hand and I am pleased to say that I am very excited about going to Taiwan. As I have prayed and thought over Joshua’s challenge in leading Israel across the flooded Jordon River I have become convinced that this missions trip is great opportunity for me to step out in faith and follow God. I know great things will happen with this trip, but if the only thing that happens is that I was able to step out of my comfort zone and follow God that is enough for me.

Again, the messages in the morning and evening service at church were written just for me. This evening Pastor Tim spoke about spiritual growth or sanctification. As Joshua prepared the people to cross the he gave then one command, “sanctify your self”. Pastor Tim’s messages on personal spiritual growth and knowing your purpose in life set the stage for a new season of growth in my life.

We also had a very encouraging phone call with Mark in Taiwan last Friday. He is very excited about this trip and has lots of opportunities planned for us already. Not only will work in various camp, visit church groups, and visit prisons, but he is linking us up with local running and riding groups where we will have the opportunity to share our testimonies and encourage other believers who strive to use their athletic talents to glorify God.

Prayers request- Daily devotional time in God’s work and prayer (let men know how I can pray for you), Passport to mail off on Wednesday, learning the culture of Taiwan, working out air travel, spiritual protection for the team in the prep stage (who knows what crazy things could come up to try and stop people for going on this trip)

Thanks for your prayers and please remember to pass what ever it is you think I need to know. Also I want to pray for you, so let me know if there are specifics you would like me to pray.

One more thing, feel free to pass this blog along to anyone you think would be interested in partnering with us on this adventure.


happysong said...

wow...i just wrote a long comment and it wouldn't post. hmmm...i'll try to re-cap...God will care for your family as he will care for you in prep and during this "adventure" in Taiwan. There won't be any emotional, physical, spiritual, or financial need that HE won't's just a matter of trusting Him and watching Him provide in ways you never could have thought of yourself. he will put your food and paths before's your job to eat and pedal :) leaving your routine, loved ones, familiar faces and places is no easy task, but it can be life changing and you will never know what God "could have done" in your life if you stay put when He's calling you.
start getting excited about all the possibilities he has lined up for you personally and for your team. you may be who he has been preparing to reach an individual in Taiwan...but you have to go there first :) we can't wait to hear your stories of how God worked through you and in you during all of this. keep us posted! it's an encouragement to see others "in our shoes" trusting the Lord, and following Him. It's SO much better than "routines" and "so-called comforts" when you look back! I went to Guatemala and came back having led a woman in her 80's to the Lord...I'm sure God could've used anyone, but He chose to use me...and i'm so grateful and humbled by that. You may be going as an encourager/motivator for your teammates, or to lead someone to Christ, or to bring a ray of hope to someone who feels like all hope is gone. you just never know! :) We can attest to God's omniscient care and direction in our lives and how He ALWAYS provides and directs at just the right time. take one day at a time, and keep up your daily prayer and time in His Word. He just wants our hearts when it comes down to it, right?
We're praying for you bro!
love, Mel & Josh

TJ said...

Thanks for the feed back. Alot of what you said feeds into how things went this week. I am very excited about seeing what God does. Not just with or through me, but the ripple effect it has on the people around me. I also very excited about the prospect of working with other Christians who haven't grown up in an American church culture.