Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thanks for your support

So far, s0 go. Most of the palnning for the trip is done. We still have to work out some details with the bikes, but for the most part we are ready to go. In my personal preparation things are going well. I am learning alot about facing the giants in life. In the recent days I have started a new job as the manager of the outpatient clinic where I work. In this job God is showing me allot of my insecurities and helping me depend more on him. The importance of scripute memorization and time in the bible is very evident as a struggle to assume a leadership role at work. Its seems that there are always little thoughts floating through my mind that want to hold me down, such as you can't do that, they don't like you, your not smart enough, or your just not good enough to get the job done. Throughout the day I reflect back to verses I have read and remind myself that I am a child of the one true living God, the giver of life, the creator of the universe, and that nothing is impossible for him. I still find myself trying to catch my breath and frozen by an overwhelming task list (I live and die by my Microsoft Outlook now), but I know the source of my strength, the purpos of my strength, the promises behind my strength, and I can boldly step forward knowing nothing is impossible.

Please pray that the email support letters we sent out would be well recieved. Please pray that God would give me a greater burdon for people. Please pray that each of our team members would continue to grow physicaly and spiritually in prepartation for our trip to Tawain. Finally, please pray that each our team members would realize that missions work at home is as imporant as mission abroad.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

So far so good

It's been a couple of weeks since I've had the opportunity to write and all is going well. In our Sunday school class I have started looking at biblical warriors and determining the characteristics that make them successful or not so successful. We have looked at Sampson, Joshua, and Rebecca/Barak. Through this study I feel like I am starting to grow and get in some of those spiritual push-ups I need to get ready for this trip. Also, Mark Long, one of our team members, put together a great prayer calender for the month of March which has really focused and provided a great sense of direction as I pray about our trip. Thanks so much for your prayer and please keep them up.

Please pray for our family, particularly for Beth and I, as we battle to raise the kids in a way that they can impact this world for God's Glory.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's on!!!

After this last week I think its safe to say that my desire to do some spiritual push-ups before this mission trip is facing some opposition. This last week went much like to the two weeks before. We still have no shower facilities, we are brushing our teeth in the kitchen sink, we pulled an all nighter and visited the ER for a 3 year old with a scratched cornea, Beth was sick, I still couldn't run because of knee pain, and I was definitely feeling overwhelmed and joyless. During a short devotion this week it occurred to me that there was no reason to let life wear me out when I serve such a big God. From this devotion I looked into the life a Sampson for some help with managing my current life challenges. A couple of key points have occurred to me so far. First, Sampson didn't realize the source of his power. When he finally revealed the secret of his strength he said it was his uncut hair. As it turns out not cutting his hair was only one of several components of his Narzarite vow and was almost the only one hadn't broken, yet God continued to give him strength. Also, Sampson did not understand the purpose of his gift. Every incident of Sampson great deeds were motivated by his selfish desires or emotional whims instead of service to the giver of the gift. So, as I move forward into this week I need to consider the source of my strength, is it in my own abilities or in the abilities of the creator of life. Also, I need to consider the purpose of my actions this week, am I motivated by selfishness or service.

Well time's up and duty calls. Please pray for a swift and decisive end to this little skirmish. Also, I did not send out my letters.

Thanks for your prayers and support


Sunday, February 8, 2009

The battle continues

We have just completed another week full of anxiety, disrupted schedules, and minimal time in prayer and bible study. This week didn't involve sick children, but a remodeled bathroom, our only bathroom. The craziness of no shower or bathroom facilities combined with all the running around to find parts for the unexpected problems was and is overwhelming. Thankfully we have a very gracious neighbor who has allowed us to use her shower and sleep at her house during the week. Personally, my brain snapped on Saturday afternoon when after completing a one legged bike workout, I was holding a screaming baby who was supposed to be asleep, but woke up the second Beth left to go grocery shopping, and I received a phone call telling me that the park reservation for the 8K race we are setting up for the Caring Pregnancy Center was not made like I had thought and that we will have to change the date after two months of planning. At this point I proceed to "remodel" a toy baby carriage. I wondered where is God in my hurting up knee, crying baby, and messed up race plans. I needed God to be real because I couldn't take anymore. He did prove himself faithful because I received a call from three different people, including the directer or the CPC, saying the date we are trying to reschedule to works better. Also, Beth was able to manage the kids' baths while I was in the backyard kicking the soccer ball trying to cool down. Things aren't all roses now, we still don't have a shower, I need to get myself or someone over to the rec center to finalize the park reservations tomorrow during regular work hours, and now Beth is feeling sick, blahhhhh.

Please pray this week that I can get my support letters out and for peace in our house.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things are really happening

The passport is here, the tickets are on reserve, and we are meeting tonight to try and finalize the roster.

This last week was quite a bit different than the last month of trying to prepare and work through this mission opportunity to Taiwan. Instead continuously thinking about the trip, I didn’t think once about the trip. Last week I mentioned how Psalm 139 really hit home for me and gave good peace of mind about the trip, this week we had physical chaos and all other thoughts were removed from my mind. Our one and half year old was up ALL night crying early in the week because of ear infections that required antibiotics, the baby developed a chest cold that required antibiotics, our 3 year old developed an ear infection and a throat infection that required antibiotics, and I messed up my knee enough that I had to stopping running and riding, requiring the family to deal with a grumpy Papa for a few days. During these hectic times of no sleep and much stress my prayer time and time spent in the bible typically drop off considerably and this week was no exception. It makes me wonder if a spiritual battle was won last week and now a new front was opened. The anxiety about the trip was removed last week, “know my anxious thoughts…and lead me in the way everlasting (Psalm 139)”, so now the attack and distraction is physical in nature. Hmmmmm….deep thoughts, but not out of the question.

So this week I would ask you to pray that I could get back into the rhythm of bible study and prayer. Also, as things progress with the trip I will need to send out some support letters. I still feel a little uncomfortable about this since I have a job and could make it work, but I have been strongly encouraged to do so for some very good reasons. The people that I have spoken with who have participated in mission trips before and who I would consider mature Christians encourage sending out support letters to allow others to participate in this mission opportunity who can’t go, but want to contribute to the efforts of the trip. Also it was pointed out that individuals on short term mission trips are already making considerable sacrifices by giving up family vacations and enduring the exhaustion of short term travel to foreign lands.

Thanks for your prayers!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A New Week

The passport application is off and now we need to work on ironing out the details for the travel plans. Currently, we are trying to find the best price on airfare and it is my understanding that the church's travel agent in trying to get a bulk discount with our trip and two other trips to Thailand about the same time. Also, in Taiwan Mark is working on allocating bikes for us to ride.

This week I have thought a lot about Psalm 139, especially the last two verses: "Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." This verse is a great follow up to verse I talked about last time in Joshua 3 when Israel stepped out in faith into the flood waters of the Jordon river. The one direction Joshua gave the people in verse three before they attempted to cross the river was to "Consecrate yourselves." Over the last several months as I have spent time in confession I am beginning to realize that the process of consecration is a life long endeavour. Take for example my tendency to create an idol out of racing. I have sought forgiveness for this repeatedly and even had one of those ground breaking growth spurts in my walk with Christ over the idolization of racing. Even though I have had some great victories in this area Christ's standard is perfection both physically and mentally; consequently, from now until my day of judgement I will have to seek God's forgiveness over the area of my life. Just like the perpetual recovery process from drug and alcohol addictions. Getting back to the point, it's my desire for God to "search" deep into my soul and "know" what's there because it's not all flowers and giggling babies. It is my desire for Him to lead me down the "way everlasting" to IMPACT my wife, my family, friends, neighbors, and this world. Joshua finishes his instructions for crossing the river by saying: "consecrate yourself, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." Sounds like a good place to be.

Pray this week for our team. We are trying to organize an 8K race for the caring pregnacy center as well as plan this trip. We need energy, unity, and open doors to get it all done.

Thanks for you prayers and don't forget to let me know how I can pray for you.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A new hope

The people have spoken and its official!! The blog is a helpful tool for updating my prayer partners with the last info.

Well, on to the business at hand and I am pleased to say that I am very excited about going to Taiwan. As I have prayed and thought over Joshua’s challenge in leading Israel across the flooded Jordon River I have become convinced that this missions trip is great opportunity for me to step out in faith and follow God. I know great things will happen with this trip, but if the only thing that happens is that I was able to step out of my comfort zone and follow God that is enough for me.

Again, the messages in the morning and evening service at church were written just for me. This evening Pastor Tim spoke about spiritual growth or sanctification. As Joshua prepared the people to cross the he gave then one command, “sanctify your self”. Pastor Tim’s messages on personal spiritual growth and knowing your purpose in life set the stage for a new season of growth in my life.

We also had a very encouraging phone call with Mark in Taiwan last Friday. He is very excited about this trip and has lots of opportunities planned for us already. Not only will work in various camp, visit church groups, and visit prisons, but he is linking us up with local running and riding groups where we will have the opportunity to share our testimonies and encourage other believers who strive to use their athletic talents to glorify God.

Prayers request- Daily devotional time in God’s work and prayer (let men know how I can pray for you), Passport to mail off on Wednesday, learning the culture of Taiwan, working out air travel, spiritual protection for the team in the prep stage (who knows what crazy things could come up to try and stop people for going on this trip)

Thanks for your prayers and please remember to pass what ever it is you think I need to know. Also I want to pray for you, so let me know if there are specifics you would like me to pray.

One more thing, feel free to pass this blog along to anyone you think would be interested in partnering with us on this adventure.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A timely message

Tonight's messages at church was one of those messages where you can't deny that God is talking directly to you. Pastor Tim spoke about the challenge of crossing the Jordon river and possessing the Promised Land. The Text for the sermon was Joshua 3:1-8 (;&version=31;). The Israelites are challenged with crossing the Jordon river during it's flood stage, a task possible only with God's help, in order to take the land flowing with milk and honey. From this text God has brought into greater focus my confusion from earlier today (see the other posting from today). Like the Israelites who didn't feel comfortable crossing the river in its flood stage (an understandable concern), I don't feel comfortable taking two weeks away from my family and work; I don't really what to go on a 30 hour plane trip, twice; I don't really want to reverse my days and night; I don't really want to come back home after reversing my days and nights and try to go to work; I don't feel comfortable hanging out with people I don't know that well fro that much time; I don't know if I will get the right kind of food at the right time; I don't really want to vary from my routine because I'm am a living, breathing Rain Man, etc., etc. It's kind of funny that someone who has always thought of himself as adventurous has so many home-body tendencies. It's a wonder I ever moved out of my parents house. This mission trip is certainly a "Jordon River" in my life. On my pray board I recently wrote that I want to see God's power first hand. I guess it's hard to see His power if I'm only doing things I feel comfortable with or can control. The funny part of this new understanding is that I still have all those feelings of discomfort gurgling in the waters of my mind and I don't really want go on the trip anymore now than I did a couple of hours ago. I think I'm going to adpot this text as my theme for this adventure. Please don't forget to email or comment if you have something say about the trip because I need what you know.

Yikes!! what do I do?

It's been a while since I've written because I was really hoped to have an answer by now. Instead, I'm more confused and frustrated than I was couple of weeks ago. One minute I feel like I need to go on the trip and the next I really don't want to go. I can come up with great reasons for going or staying. I can't help, but think that I could be struggling with some spiritual warfare (

Please keep praying. Thanks