Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's on!!!

After this last week I think its safe to say that my desire to do some spiritual push-ups before this mission trip is facing some opposition. This last week went much like to the two weeks before. We still have no shower facilities, we are brushing our teeth in the kitchen sink, we pulled an all nighter and visited the ER for a 3 year old with a scratched cornea, Beth was sick, I still couldn't run because of knee pain, and I was definitely feeling overwhelmed and joyless. During a short devotion this week it occurred to me that there was no reason to let life wear me out when I serve such a big God. From this devotion I looked into the life a Sampson for some help with managing my current life challenges. A couple of key points have occurred to me so far. First, Sampson didn't realize the source of his power. When he finally revealed the secret of his strength he said it was his uncut hair. As it turns out not cutting his hair was only one of several components of his Narzarite vow and was almost the only one hadn't broken, yet God continued to give him strength. Also, Sampson did not understand the purpose of his gift. Every incident of Sampson great deeds were motivated by his selfish desires or emotional whims instead of service to the giver of the gift. So, as I move forward into this week I need to consider the source of my strength, is it in my own abilities or in the abilities of the creator of life. Also, I need to consider the purpose of my actions this week, am I motivated by selfishness or service.

Well time's up and duty calls. Please pray for a swift and decisive end to this little skirmish. Also, I did not send out my letters.

Thanks for your prayers and support


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