Sunday, December 21, 2008


As you consider praying for me this week please pray in the spirit of I Thes 3:12. In this verse Paul is praying for the Thessalonian believers who have taken some good initial steps in their walk with Christ, but are in need of continued growth and instruction. One of the biggest steps for me in this mission trip is to determine if God wants me to go. The circumstances and council I have sought point in the direction of going on this trip, but I would also like to confirm this with God’s word. Please pray specifically that God would lead me to a verse that directs me one way or the other.

Currently, I am moderately anxious about the trip. Setting up and going on a trip to Taiwan isn’t a walk in the park for me or my family. It takes at least four adults to keep our house running smoothly and we are trying to do it with two. Also, I am creature of routine. I could tell you today what I will be doing at 7 am Wednesday morning a year from now and what I will eat for lunch that day. My guess is that going to Taiwan won’t involve any of my regular routine and believe it or not I am already trying to figure out how I can get those things done while I am there.

Thanks for your help and I would love your feedback.


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